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Blue Ocean Strategy examples

Answer13 hZWZmpVjkmqamJSExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WXlZSEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..
THANH NGUYEN's picture

I'm rereading Blue Ocean Strategy book and wondering what is is a good "Blue ocean strategy" examples in VN? Pls share if you have any idea, thanks

Answer13 hZWZmpVjkmqamJSExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsmGVrUr98qKellJ--oJ_Tj6PNo5mMrs7PxrDF3N-wn8KdpcbWzNPUU3DZa55siJyl1JvYnqemiHCnbWVtb1qlm9CVcpPXoaWgfYeArlVx12ptnlqkkdTG0dSGn8Ogl2rcrJ6Uk52Gy5-pz6XfkdqvoMtan6hycKBXpaiZrKmhqKCHa6RqnHJYl6OnnNaslc2UWZ-rbmSch5WXlZSEoddqmXOGxMXX09iQnspToZugZmvjtQ..

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  • Buidacduong SIR's picture
    Buidacduong SIR

    Chào Ms Thanh Nguyễn !
    Tôi không rành lắm về English nên cho phép tôi tham gia chia sẻ bằng Vietnamese nhé !
    Thực ra Chiến lược BOS không còn qua xa lạ với những nhà quản trị, các chủ doanh nghiệp, việc ứng dụng chiến lược đó ở Việt Nam cũng đã có nhiều doanh nghiệp thực hiện và tôi nghĩ nó đã có những bước đầu để đi đến thành công ! Điển hình là TOSY, đây là một thương hiệu thuần Việt Nam nhưng tôi tin tương lai nó sẽ rất lớn mạnh, hãy cứ vào google bạn sẽ thấy sự ảnh hưởng của nó như thế nào ?
    Khởi đầu chỉ là một công ty sản xuất Robot ở Việt Nam, họ đã tham gia thị trường trò chơi công nghệ cao, là công ty duy nhất ở Việt Nam, với những sự tâm huyết họ đã tạo ra những sản phẩm vô cùng độc đáo từ đĩa bay, Robot chơi bóng bàn, Robot nhảy theo điệu nhạc...với những phát kiến độc đáo đã thu hút được giới truyền thông quảng cáo rầm rộ mà chẳng mất đáng kể Chi phí PR, sản phẩm của họ ra đời đã nhận được đơn hàng rất nhiều, nhiều công ty sản xuất lớn của thế giới cũng đang phải dè chừng họ, một công ty mới của Việt Nam. Sản phẩm mRobo thậm chí còn được tờ báo uy tín Huffington bình chọn là máy nghe nhạc "đỉnh" nhất, đó là một ý tưởng đột phá ! Tôi không phải là người làm PR cho Tosy nhưng tôi rất có ấn tượng với họ, một mình xông pha cạnh tranh với những công ty lớn có bề dày lịch sử trong sản xuất trò chới công nghệ cao ! Ngay từ cái tên công ty cũng đã cho thấy tầm ảnh hưởng, tạo ấn tượng cho khách hàng rồi, tôi đã xem qua về công ty này và thấy ý nghĩa của thương hiệu này bắt nguồn từ những giá trị cốt lõi, tuy nhiên, nếu để ý một chút thì TOSY có vẻ như có nguồn gốc từ chữ "TOYS = đồ chơi " nó khá dễ nhớ và với những sản phẩm đột phá, nếu có nhiều tiền tôi sẽ đầu tư vào công ty này, Tôi tin tương lai đây sẽ là một Apple trong lĩnh vực đồ chơi công nghệ cao của Việt Nam và của thế giới !

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImWiRcoae3-A.
  • THANH NGUYEN's picture

    Cam ơn Dương, mình có biết công ty này, đúng là 1 VD rất hay.

    Trước đây Phở 24 cũng hay được nhắc đến là 1 BOS example vì vừa kết hợp được công thức phở gia truyền trong khuôn khổ nhà hàng ăn nhanh (thành ra cạnh tranh cả với KFC được cũng như các cửa hàng phở tư nhân nữa...). Bây giờ thì thị trường này cũng đỏ hơn rồi cùng với sự ra đời của hàng loạt chuỗi "nửa nhà hàng nửa thức ăn nhanh" như W&R, Kichikhichi, Bun bo 3A...

    Xmen của ICP thì chắc chắn hết nằm trong Blue ocean rồi, mặc dù cách đây 8 năm khi nó ra đời thì đúng là có lợi thế first mover.

    Mình muốn tìm hiểu thêm nhiều ví dụ mới, có ai có idea gì thì share thêm nhé, thanks

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImWiSbIae3-A.
  • Guy Balza's picture
    Guy Balza

    Hi Thanh,
    Some blue ocean examples which seems relevant in Vietnam in the FMCG industry:
    - Khong Do from THP in 2006 (became now a red ocean since competitors copied the concept)
    - Birdy Coffee in cans in 2008 (became also a red Ocean since competitors copied the concept)
    - Omo and Ariel liquid detergent in 2010
    - Yakult fermented milk in 2008 (also quickly copied by competitors)
    - Shop&Go; Cicle K that started in 2009/2010
    There must be many other examples.Needs to be analyzed by sector to find out selected examples
    Hope you find the re reading interesting. maybe a topic to bring back at a marketing seminar?
    Best regards

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImmOVaYae3-A.
  • The key take away from Blue Ocean Strategy is by indentifying the multiple cost Vs value propositions offered by the competitors. This definitely helps the firm to focus on its new product features and the ones that are really driving value. It provides a good checklist when we try to pursue new product development differentiation or diversification strategies
    People say that: Blue Ocean is only wishful thinking, as any blue ocean created usually turns red rapidly (sharks are every where ).
    It's seem hard to point out an examples Blue Ocean Strategy being use or not, sometime the company using BOS without knowing they are using it.
    I really interested in this question, and trying to define a companies in my industry ( Securities & Banking), but we are seem all being stuck at the red ocean filled with sharks and hungry to find a way to swim out. Going to discuss about this later.
    In my opinion, K+ is an good example but not really sure that they are using BOS :)

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImWiRcYae3-A.
  • Quoc HUy Pham's picture
    Quoc HUy Pham

    Có rất nhiều ví dụ tại thị trường Việt Nam áp dụng thành công BOS nếu các bạn để ý đến xung quanh: Highland Coffee, các sản phẩm dùng iOS, gói cước tỉ phú của Beeline, trà xanh O độ khi mới vào thị trường, amway, ... về bất động sản thì do đặc thù hữu hạn về mặt cung và vị trí nên bản chất nó đã có lợi nhuận siêu ngạch tự nhiên rồi, cụ thể là loại gì thì cụ thể ra thôi.

    Chúc vui,

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImmOUa4ae3-A.
  • Guy Balza's picture
    Guy Balza

    Actually I went to a workshop on Blue Ocean 2 weeks ago in Manila (had already a short one at Insead Paris 6 years ago). They are certified Blue Ocean trainers in Asia and if you are interested I can send you the coordinates of one of them in the Philippines.

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImmOWaYae3-A.
  • Buidacduong SIR's picture
    Buidacduong SIR



    With only 8 years in operation, the history of TOSY Robotics is quite modest compared to other big brands such as KUKA, FANUC and ABB in robotics technology or MATTEL, HASBRO and TAKARA TOMY in toys manufacture; yet, its technological potential and long-term ambition is anything but modest.

    TOSY was founded by a robotics guru team and first went into operation in 2002 after many years of experience in mechanical engineering. From the very beginning, the company has always placed the highest priority on Research & Development with the motto "Creativeness and modern technology are key factors for success".

    Its first big break came in 2007 when after months of intense negotiation and a surprise visit from a high-ranking member of the organizing committee, TOSY was finally accepted to be an exhibitor in the International Robot Exhibition (IREX 2007), the world’s largest and most reputable robot trade fair held every two years in Tokyo.

    Determined not to waste this opportunity, Mr. Ho Vinh Hoang, President & CEO of TOSY, and his staff had to work night and day to improve TOPIO, a humanoid robot capable of playing ping-pong against a human being. Not only did TOPIO possessed advanced technical features (e.g.: it has 38 degrees of freedomand can detect the ball as it leaves the opponent’s paddle by using two 200-fps cameras), the fact that it came from an unknown Vietnamese company also helped attract thousands of visitors and journalists to TOSY’s booth every day.

    Two years later, TOPIO 2.0 continued to be a successful technology ambassador to TOSY when it was voted the best robot from the IREX 2009 and was dubbed “A ping-pong-playing Terminator” by Popular Science Magazine.
    TOSY is also developing other kinds of robots, such as industrial and service robots. Its competitive edge is the capability to deliver solid quality industrial robots and added-value service robots at a revolutionary low price for a wide range of industries. TOPIO Dio, a skillful bartender and waiter robot, has a 3-wheel moving platform, 28 degrees of freedom and can be operated from anywhere with a built-in camera and an obstacle detector. His free movement and flexible hands can help him become a trusted assistant to people in need.

    Adding to their product lines for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012 will be a one-of-a-kind entertainment device that is a unique mix between portable speaker and robot. The product’s name is mRobo and it isa high-quality portable speaker that can transforms into a robot and dances along to the playing music.

    While robots manufacture is considered a long-term and strategic direction in TOSY’s development plan, its short-term mission is to design and produce original and creative high-tech toys. Its most popular toy to date is the award-winning TOSY® AFO™, a flying boomerangwith a smart LED system that can return precisely to its point of origin. Thanks to its originality,TOSYAFO has been registered for patents in over 40 countries and received patents in Korea and Vietnam.

    Currently, the toy can be found in as many as 35 countries worldwide and it was recently voted as the 2011 Best Toy Awards by Good Housekeeping Magazine (US) and 2011 Top Tech Toy by The Street Magazine (US).

    TOSY is not only a company with great potential but it is also one of many special traits. It is one of few(if not only)Vietnamese companies that can export productsrequiring high brain skills, helping to move Vietnam out of low-value manufacturing. In order to successfully enter the international markets, TOSY’ toys had to pass all the strictest safety and quality requirements, such as ASTM (the US), CE (Europe) and SA (Australia). This is one of the competitive edges that set TOSY apart from other low-quality and hazardous toys that usually originate from Asia. In addition, although TOSY has received offers from other big brands to become their outsourcing company, it is determined to be an independent manufacturer and only accept them as its distributing partners. The fact that those big corporations agreed to yield to a smaller company said a lot about the originality of TOSY’s products.

    TOSY aspires to become the world’s leading manufacturer in robotics technology and high-tech toys. While this is no easy feat, it is certainly achievable considering TOSY’s technology advances, its innovative designs and its talented and passionate employees. Mr. Hoang says: “I believe the day will come when robots will be available everywhere. And when it does, TOSY will be a leader in the fieldwith our original design, TOPIO robots, living side by side with human and helping them in all walks of life”.

    • hZWZmpVjkm6dmpaExaBkb-GkoGOYcFLJpMWoq4DHo5ifmatXc6xsm2pTcdGrrZenVW7VbW6eUp3Zppeky9TSg5_XnJiUaoObydbWpNLZqJrYc9um2qWeroyxgVpz2W9qbVaplqqan9hSbJGdaXCtqG1snFWX0qOuyaqTmcaHn9SemJyImWiSaoae3-A.


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